10 CQB Tips

More to learn, but never stop learning.


Excellent material from Craig Douglas.

You should also read The Tactical advantage by Gabe Suarez

▶ TIP NO. 1: There is no truly safe way to move through a home when there is a threat inside the home with you. 

▶ TIP NO. 2: A structure is a 360-degree environment. Threats can come from any direction. Don’t limit yourself to thinking your threat is around the corner you’re at which you’re looking or even on the same floor level as you. Your threat could be down the hall, behind you, at your feet hiding behind a couch, or up above you on a landing.

▶ TIP NO. 3: Learn to view your environment in terms of what you can’t see. If you can see a threat, it is relatively easy to deal with. If you can’t see it, that threat can be a bigger problem. Learn to look at edges…

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